
I belong to the blank generation.

Lately I've been drawing a lot of inspiration from the Coachella Festival pictures I've seen around. People there seemed to be dressed for comfort, but still kept their style, which I don't know how to call. Trendy/Artsy/Rocker/Indie/Hippie-ish? Dunno, but it's great. It's also the kind of style you can find in the WildFox Couture lookbooks, that I've been looking at a lot as well. Back to Coachella, I think that festival is sort of the new Woodstock, it has the same feeling to me, but whatever, I just want to share my favorite Coachella photos with you.

( photos from the cobra snake )

( photos from I LOVE WILDFOX! )

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Coachella goers have some of my favorite looks, period. They're so summer and indie (ew, label). But whatever, people that go to that music festival know how to freakin dress. I love it
