
Wearing a t-shirt backwards and taking photos with a hard flash.

( t shirt - vintage, shorts - DIY Walmart cut offs, knee high socks - American Apparel, boots - flea market, necklace - H&M, bangle - Bershka, wristwatch - Marc Ecko, rings - Charlotte Russe )

The weather forecast says it's going to rain the whole week. That f-ing sucks. Today I ran out of Harajuku Lovers: 'G' perfume, and during the weekend I failed in my search of another coconut scented perfume (I became obsessed with coconut smell), so I went back to my unfinished bottle of With Love... Maybe I'll just buy some Hawaiian Tropic sh*t and wear it instead of perfume. I have an insane load of homework to do and I can't get the motivation to start it. I was late to school because I was stuck in a traffic jam from hell that took me an hour to get out of.

Definitely not a good week start. At least humidity didn't get my hair today. We'll see how tomorrow goes.

1 comment:

cannabis rose said...

your blog is formatted exactly like fashiontoast & you have it on your side bar. strange.

p.s. some of these photos should not have been put up.